Monday, April 1, 2013


Now that the dust has settled a bit, we're starting to see Diamond come to life.  Looking back at the picture of him on the trailer, I realize how mentally and physically exhausted he was by his journey.  

It's about two, two and a half hours from OLEX to where I am keeping him in quarantine, depending on how many bathroom breaks I need to take.  At one stop, our hero Dave (dare I call him SuperDave? :) ) opened up the back of the trailer to give Diamond a bit of fresh air and a chance to stick his head out and look around.  Right off we were approached by some Tim Horton's customers who I don't think had ever been up close and personal to a horse.  They snapped some cell phone pics, and asked about him.  Kelly told him the Coles Notes (Sparknotes for my American friends) version of his story, and they reacting with horror - do people EAT horses? I'm not going farther into that direction today, but the Toronto Star came out with a story just this weekend about the sad end of a horse bred by Adena Springs, reschooled and responsibly rehomed - and despite heroic efforts to save him, was not as lucky as Diamond, and met his fate in a Quebec slaughterhouse.
The thing that I liked was that Diamond seemed a  pro in the trailer - thought I am comparing him to my first TB, Boo.  Boo would let you know in  no uncertain terms that he was present - usually by tapping the side of the trailer with a hind hoof. One day I'll tell you the story of  his antics while being trailered through our small town - but that, also, is a story for another day.
Kelly took the following picture that I think I want's a perfect image of our new journey with Diamond.
As you can see, he has a huge motor - here he is underweight by approximately 150-200 lbs.  In upcoming posts you'll see the white mark on his left cheek expand - it's a flap of hide where it looks like he took a hell of a kick from another horse.  Currently it's shed off to the size of my hand, with another equivalent amount to go.
And my final thought of the day....I believe that he was boarded in the off-season at the farm where I am doing his QT, because when I started walking down the hill to his paddock, he picked up the pace, pricked his ears, and definitely put some pull on the shank.  As soon as I closed the gate and turned him loose, he dropped down with a loud grunt and rolled right over, then got up and trotted around happily.
Dave said something that I will never forget: "Enjoy it, buddy....each day from here on in is a blessing."
I think that it applies as much to us as it does to our new horse.